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 For those of you that may not be aware, the OOSH stands for Out of School Hours childcare for school aged children from Kinder to year 6. Children from all primary schools are welcome to attend our service with buses available from most local schools.  

Morning session 6am-8.30am: minimum of 1 hour   $15 per hour (plus $1 admin levvy

Afternoon session 3.30pm-6pm: minimum of 2 hours $11 per hour (plus $1 admin levy

Both our Before School and After School program promote and encourage the following:

  • Develop children’s’ capacity and access to play through a variety of adventure base activities;

  • Provide opportunities for safe social activity and play with peers while offering a balance of more organised activities;

  • Provide opportunities for fun, freedom, choice, individuality, new experiences, challenges and happy memories;

  • Offer access for children to social contacts outside the immediate family;

  • Promote the development of positive firming relationships with adults outside the family structure that focus on strength and reward autonomy;

  • Create opportunities for children to develop and improve their communication skills as well as inclusive and cultural awareness;

  • Offer a context for clear behavioural strategies to be implemented and developed;

  • Strive to fulfill our vision and provide peace of mind for families and chance “for kids to be kids”.

Children in school age care settings are challenged to be curious about what is of interest to them while at the same time developing self-identity and social competencies. (adapted from Stig Lund, Danish National Federation of Early Childhood Teachers and Youth Educators and Nordic Teachers Council) 

Out of School Hours 

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